Sunday, September 27, 2015

My passion?

Really is very difficult for me write about my passion. Many times i question about this and i thought that maybe the exact definition is a bit confusing.

I watched in the argentine movie "The secret in their eyes" one scene that speak about this topic. Here a friend he said to the protagonist that "a man can be change all; face, house, family, girlfriend, religion or God; but exist one thing that not can change: don't can change the passion".
This sentence i make think in the things that i could change and in the things that i couldn't do it.
In this group i think that can be the sports, principally the soccer, because i think that without this sport my life couldn't be same. I play soccer with my friends, watch soccer with my family and friends, speak about de soccer with my close people. Nothing could be same without the soccer in my life.
Besides, since seven years approx, my family and me go to the gym for watch basketball in Puente Alto. This is a habitual practice the weekend and too is very important for me.

The sports, i think that this is my passion.

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