Monday, May 11, 2015

All the information instantly is the website that i visit more frecuently. In this space i can know all the information about the country and around the world. Cooperativa is a comunication means, a national radio very famous in all the country and very prestigious, for that reason i have very trust in this website.

In Cooperativa we can find differents things. In first place you can read every news of the country; exist the section "País", where you watch the last events important in the country, also we can know all the last information about the sports national and international. The section "Entretención" or entertainment we can know the news less important and also the outlook for the next days with the cultural shows. Finally, besides can know the most important news around the world, as the war in Palestine, conflict in United States or the changes in Europe. 

Is important mention that joined with the new, almost ever know one picture about the case. Besides the read news, in this websites, we can watch videos about the actuallity or simply funny videos popular in the web.

But, my section favourite in this website is the "Specials". Here we can know different things, as for example, in this moment exist one special about de American Cup, where if your visit, you can all the information about the this event.

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