Monday, May 18, 2015

The movement student

Since the year 2006, Chile living a controversial situation respect at the education. In that year, more than five hundred thousand students was arise at the street for march, where they demand better condition for the education and that the public education come back again to the state control. But with this demand, not achievement much.

This situation cause that in the year 2011 the movement student can come back to revive the fight for one free education, public education and one education from quality. Precisely, this year was the elemental year for the movement because all the country learned about the social problems and more people support for this cause.

At present the movement come back to resurrect due to the changes from the new government is not sufficient.

i consider that the movement student is very necessary for that the society in general can watch the reality and for we can learn that the actual world isn't good and is possible change. I believe that the marches is a pacific medio very effective for put pressure on the power.

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