Monday, April 13, 2015

My three favourite movies

Well, in first place i have a duty say that i don't have a favourite movie, but exist some movies that i like it to much. For be fair, i will clasiffy the diferent movies that i like it and explai why i love it. 
In first place i have admit that the "Lion King" was my favourite movie since much years. This movie  is the first film that i remember, and the history about the lion lose him father is really unhappy and can cause you cry, but the rest of the history is very funny and very special because help you for make one life more happy. 
When passed the years i watch "The pirates of the Caribean" and this movie i like it to much. The history about the some pirates is really interesting for me, and the actuation of Jonnhy Depp performs to Jack Sparrow is wonderful. My favourite scene in this movie is when Jack Sparrow, in the first movie, escape in the Port Royal and he steal one ship. 
Finally, another film that i love it is "El secreto de sus ojos". Is a argentinian movie that win de Oscar award in 2010. This film speak about the love, the justice and the men as human. Is a movie very interesting, the actor is Ricardo Darin and him perform is very good. 

Monday, April 6, 2015

The multi game is amazing

Wel, in frist place i must confess that i don't like much the tecnology and therefore i don't know much about the tecnology. But if exist some technological apparatus that i love it, is the multi game 9999 in 1.
This apparatus i saw for the first time when was one boy. In that moment was the best thing that exist in the world.
I had six or seven years approximately, and with my sister and my cousin ever we played "tetris" principally. This game consisted in put in the different figure in the space available.
At present still i have the game, but i don't use much like before. Today i use the multi game when i remember my infancy or when whit my sister talk about the past.
This game like me because is very simple for control and like i said, i am not close the tecnology.
Finally, i can say that this multi game was very important for me because show me the simple that can be the technology and the simple that can be happen a good time. If the multi-game would not have existed, my infancy it was not the same.