It helped me a lot that the teacher expose differents themes in each class, because thereby i could center my ideas and express my words so more organized. For example when the theme require speak about the food, the music or movies, for me was very easy, because in this case i can explain clearly what is required.
Sincerely i like write the blog, much more than the friday class, because for me is more funny write that talk in english.
I dont thing starting my personal blog because i consider that my opinion in the world today is more effective explain through the twitter or another social net with more proximity to the people in general.
One thing good about the blog is that effectively help me for exercise in the language, besides express my opinion about that different cases. The bad in this instrument is that is very easy distract for the internet and for the friends around.
In conclusion i can say that this instrument is very good for study english, for exercise english and for put into words the ideas.